Wednesday, October 16 Erev Sukkot
Candle Lighting: 5:37pm followed by Mincha, Maariv and holiday meal
Thursday, October 17 First day of Sukkot
Morning Services: 10:30am
Followed by Kiddush Luncheon in the Sukkah Candle Lighting after 6:36pmHoliday meal in the sukkah
Friday, October 18 Second day of Sukkot
Morning Services: 10:30am
Followed by Kiddush Luncheon in the Sukkah Candle Lighting: 5:34pm
Saturday, October 19 First Intermediate day
Morning Services: 10:30am Shabbat ends: 6:33pm
Sunday, October 20 Second intermediate day
Sukkot Party: Sushi in the Sukkah 4:30pm
Wednesday, October 23 Hoshana Rabbah 7th day of Sukkot
Morning Services: 8:00am
Candle Lighting: 5:26pm followed by Mincha, Maariv Hakkafot and Holiday meal
Thursday, October 24 Shemini Atzeret
Morning Services: 10:30am
Followed by Kiddush Luncheon
Candle Lighting after 6:26pm
Maariv/Hakkafot (Click here to read about Hakkafot) followed by Holiday Meal
Friday, October 25 Simchat Torah
Morning Services: 10:30am Hakkafot
Holiday Luncheon
Candle Lighting: 5:23pm
Saturday, October 26, Shabbat Bereishit
Morning Services: 10:30am Shabbat ends: 6:23pm